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2015-04-03 17:06:08 弘新教育 来源:弘新教育

are actually more credible than media in Potter’s world

  [C] the media are promoting Pottermania more actively than Hollywood

  [D] businesses involved with Potter are moving along in an unusual way

  8. The author believes that .

  [A] Britain’s Sunday Times rich list is not very convincing as it sounds

  [B] Time Warner’s management of licenses is a bit over commercialised

  [C] other firms may produce goods using Harry Potter images at will

  [D] what Ms Rowling got in return for her offering to Warner is a real bargain

  9. Paragraph 4 intends mainly to show Warner’s .

  [A] determination to promote Potter

  [B] consistence in conducting busines

  [C] high regard for Ms Rowling’s request

  [D] careful restrictions on licensing to Coco-Cola

  10. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that .

  [A] products of Potter films have brought enormous profits to Warner

  [B] current Hollywood’s marketing of Potter may damage its potential

  [C] readers could get tired of Ms Rowling’s writings sooner or later

  [D] Warner will maintain the same strategy with Potter in future

  1. A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.D

  1.[精解] 第一段提到,投资者几年前的梦想是永远拿到 20%的(股票投资)回报。现在调查显示它降到了“现实的”8%至 10%的范围。第二段作者先提出疑问:但是如果未来几年里这个值低于正常的期望呢?接着以银行信用分析家 Martin Barnes 和标准普尔5000 指数为例指出, 未来股票投资回报率必然是下降的。 二段末句作者指出, 很少有投资者为此作好了准备。 由此可推出, 面对股票投资回报下降的趋势, 投资者的判断是不够现实的, 是幻想的。另外, 第一段的 dreamed of、realistic 的引号、以及第二段 sound impossible 后面的问号也都暗示了这一点。因此[A]项正确。

2[精解] 本题考虑事实细节题。第四段第一句提到,许多投资者(savers)对拥有太多公司股票的危险视而不见。 [D]项是该句的改写,其中 turn a deaf ear 对应原文中的 shuttheir eyes to,the warning 对应 the dangers。第三段作者通过休伊特 (Hewitt) 咨询公司的职员的介绍说明, 投资者仍在不断地投钱(keeping their contributions up) ,但是他们不太愿意把资金转投其他地方了(less inclined toswi